

Dear Prayer Partner, 


        上星期,父神給我一星期假期到中部參加一個4天的禱告特會. 在這幾天當中,得到許多啟示和知識, 但只有這件事一直反覆的在我心裏出現, 就是"父神無條件的愛" . 這愛是一把鑰匙, 要開啟一扇無人可以關閉的門-救恩之門; 這愛也是唯一的道路, 要引領無數的浪子回家.在禱告異像中看到一群人大多數是年輕人,看外表都是奇形怪狀, 身上刺青穿洞, 頭髮五顏六色, 衣服破爛; 看到他們都朝著同一方向前進, 但都走不動, 仔細再看, 每人身上都捆了一 條鍊子, 當他們要往前走時竟被這條鍊子拉回去. 我看到他們前進的方向站著一個人向他們伸出雙手, 在靈裡知道他就是天父, 同時我聽到祂說:誰要去砍斷他們身上的鎖鍊, 帶他們回家.心裏說糟糕, 教會還沒預備好來接納這批人. 我就放聲大哭, 在哭泣中,聖靈竟然讓我明白要我體貼天父的心, 就是在家的大兒子(在教會享受父愛的和忙於服事的我們),要先出去幫他們砍斷身上的鎖鏈, 並迎接他們回家. 這是末世浪子回家的另一種版本, 因為在聖經中的版本很讓父神傷心, 聖靈不要我們照舊再重演一齣相同的戲; 雖只有短短幾分鐘, 我哭到快沒力氣, 就向神呼求, 阿爸父我願意, 但我真做不到, 我如何去愛他們呢? 光是我唯一的兒子,有時已把我弄得焦頭爛額, 外面的這批與我沒有血緣的異類, 要我如何包容接納並愛他們? 聖靈向我啟示,這些年來神用我兒子在訓練我, 我雖用母親的愛愛他照顧, 又以父親的愛教導督促他, 藉著聖靈的幫助更是以父神的愛來包容寵愛他, 雖然我做的不完全, 但父神一直以祂無條件的愛來澆灌我並擴張我的界限. 祂對我的仁慈讓我可以稍稍學了一點祂無條件的愛來愛我兒子, 但仇敵的詭計往往就是用你身邊最親近的人來攻擊和傷害我們, 而我們卻無法反擊. 這一年來, 有時被兒子反常的態度氣得大哭大叫差點沒去撞牆, 後來聖靈提醒我不要上當. 去年下半年發現他靈裡有些不對勁, 但主又不讓我去驚動和趕逐黑暗權勢. 當它們在Charles談話中和行為上出現狀況時, 聖靈會給我信號, 要我離開,走開,安靜. 我求問主幾次為何不讓我趕牠? 主告訴我Charles還無法讓聖靈來掌管他的生命, 這些壞東西出去了還會再回來,並且帶來更多,正如聖經上所記載的.這次在禱告聚會中,聖靈才啟示我對付這些壞東西最有效的方式就是以"父神無條件的愛"去愛那個被綑綁的人, 愛到讓它們受不了就會自動離開, 當下頓悟原來"父神無條件的愛"是對付仇敵最有效的武器. 求主幫助教會牧者起來帶頭,面對並正視此事, 預備浪子回家的種種安排, 並求父神的愛澆灌在我們當中.


自2003年8月受傷,13年來學會自己開車,游泳,上完大學,做生意並有一個交往8年的女友.我雖然不贊成他們交往, 但只能禱告求神做主. 2016年一月和女友分手後陷入鬱悶症, 三月開始全身疼痛, 到了六月才願意去看醫生.七,八,九月檢查, 十月到十二月分段治療一群醫生竟找不出疼痛原因, 他身體狀況越來越糟. 2017年 一月和二月,三進三出醫院緊急救護, 因為血壓高到200,心跳100以上, 已有中風傾向, 最後他自己決定二月中做燒脊椎兩旁神經的小手術來減少疼痛, 雖有些進步但沒有預期的恢復. 醫生且說還會再復發, 我知道只有我們的大醫生才能完全醫治他. 現在一天可以坐在輪椅上4-5小時, 最糟糕的狀況是每天都得躺在床上, 代禱求主給他力量至少一天可以坐8-10小時, 並可以做運動.因為保險的關係, 許多先進的治療輪不到他, 也不給做. 代禱求主給我智慧來幫助他減輕疼痛, 而不再靠吃止痛藥. 現在的量劑是以前的5倍,已減低一半. 心情有好轉但還沒完全降服於主, 昨天是他32歲生日, 他給我買一堆禮物謝謝我生他. 神藉著許多人的代禱,祂應許會有驚奇的事發生, 會恢復失去的, 並復原, 並有新的開始. 最近神讓他認識了一位很愛主的姊妹,求主保守兩人之間友誼.  請代禱讓他可以全然降服於主,不再自己掌權.



          Last week, our heavenly Father gave me a week of vacation and I  attend a four-day prayer meeting,  in these days there was much revelation and knowledge received, but only one thing had been repeated in my heart, is "Father's Unconditional love". "This love is a key, to open a door that no one can close - the door of salvation; this love is the only way to lead countless prodigals children to go home. In my vision most of the people are young , look from outside are very strange, they have body tattoo and peel holes, different hair color, clothes tattered; see them all moving in the same direction, but do not really go forward, when I look carefully, each person tied a chain behind them and when they were trying to move forward, they were pulled back by the chain. I saw them moving in the direction there is a man standing out of their hands, knowing him in the spirit that he was the heavenly Father, and I heard him say: Who will help to cut off their chains, to take them home? And my heart  say, we are in trouble,  that the church was not ready to accept those people, and I was crying and crying, and the Holy Spirit show me how to comfort Father's heart , we, the eldest son at home (in the church to enjoy Father's love or those busy to serve), we should  go out first  to help them cut off the chain, and greet them home. This is another version  of the prodigal son come home in the end time, because In the Bible  version show how  sadness of the Father's heart, the Holy Spirit does not want us to repeat the same play; although only a few minutes, I cried to no strength, and call to God, Father I would like to help, but I can not do it, how can I love them? Even with my own son, sometimes I have been bruised, but with outside heterogeneous people I have no blood relate with them, how can I accept and embraces them? Holy Spirit give me a revelation, these days God used my son to train me. Though I have loved him with my mother's love to take care of him, and with father's love to instruct him, by the help of the Holy Spirit, I can love Charles with Father's unconditional love, though I am not perfect, the Father has shower me  and extended my boundaries with His unconditional love. His kindness to me makes me to learn a little bit of his unconditional love to love my son, but our enemy often use  the closest person around you to attack and hurt us, and we cannot fight back , sometimes my son abnormal attitude was shocked me and make me almost hit the wall, then the Holy Spirit reminded me not to be taken. In the second half of last year, I found something wrong in his spirit, but the Lord did not let me to disturb and drive out the bed spirit, and when they appeared in Charles's conversation and behavior, the Holy Spirit would give me the signal that I would leave, Quiet. I asked the Lord why not let me drive it out? The Lord told me that Charles could not let the Holy Spirit take charge of his life, and that these bad spirit would come back and bring back more to join, as the Bible recorded.  During prayer meeting, the Holy Spirit revealed that the most effective way for me to deal with these bad spirit was to love that person who was  binding by the evil one with the "Father's  unconditional love", and to love them to the extend so  they would leave automatically, The" Father's unconditional love" is the most effective weapon to deal with the enemy, we pray the Lord will help the church leaders to take the lead, face the matter, prepare all the arrangements for the prodigal son to come home, and pray for the love of the Father to fill with us.

        Many people asked me about the status of Charles, I like to give an answer here and ask for prayer:

Since August 2003 he got injured to now, 13 years to learn how to drive , swimming, finished the university, doing business,  have a girlfriend for 8years. Although I do not agree with their relationship, but only pray to God to show His well .2016 January  After he break up with her, Charles into the depression, In March began to feel whole body pain, waiting to June than he is willing to see a doctor .July & Aug & September doing all kind of test, October to December began segment treatment with a group of doctors, they can not find the cause of pain, his physical condition is getting worse .2017 in January and February, three times check in an emergency room, because the blood pressure is high to 200, heartbeat 100 or more, there have been show strokes tendencies, and finally he decided to do nerve ablation  in the middle of February , on both sides of the spinal to reduce the pain, although there are some progress but not expected to restore totally, the doctor  said might be relapse, I know that only our big doctor can completely heal him. Right now he can sit on a wheelchair for 4-5 hours, the worst situation is every day to lie in bed, please pray that  to His power, He can make Charles sit 8-10 hours, and also do excises. Due to the  insurance policy, they avoid many advanced treatment round him. Please pray, the Lord gave me wisdom to help him relieve pain, and no longer rely on painkillers. Now the dose is 5 times than previous, has been reduced by half. His mood has improved but not completely surrendered to the Lord, yesterday is his 32nd birthday, He gave me a bunch of gifts and thanked me for giving birth to him, and by the intercession of many people, he would have promised from the Lord to be amazed, to recover and to restore and to have a new beginning. Recently he knew a sister who loves the Lord, please pray that our Lord watch over both of them and guide them into His well. And Charles will totally surrender to his maker.

In His love always
